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The HMM Essentials series of DVDs/MP4s offers a highly effective and efficient way to broaden and deepen your perspective on any of a variety of integrative areas to enrich yourself and/or your career.

Essential English for Professionals (2-DVD Set) (2nd Edition, 2013)
Sharpening your command of English will inevitably be an invaluable asset in your professional (and personal) development. The benefits of English skills in the professional context are numerous and significant:
1) Effective and efficient communication (most importantly).
2) Preventing negative perceptions due to grammatical errors and/or inappropriate tone or usage.
3) Enhancing the overall quality of oral presentations and written reports/documents.
4) Depending on your professional context, professional credibility – and, indeed, practical effectiveness – can be promoted through your command of language in your oral and written communications.
5) Finally, in the academic context, language and writing skills are also indispensable in producing quality assignments, dissertations and theses.

An online MP4 version of of this 2-disc DVD set forms part of the materials for the multimedia distance learning (MDL) courses, 'Advanced Business English' and 'Advanced Legal English'. For more information, please visit Cranefield College.

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