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Government is constantly faced with problems that involve the interaction of multiple disciplines and that demand careful strategy. Interdisciplinary-specialist perspective and expertise can ensure that holistic strategies are adopted, and appropriately adapted, so as efficiently to achieve the required results.

Government Policy and Strategy
Consultation in this area constitutes a general service, since it does not always fall neatly into one of our specific integrative areas of focus (as reflected on our home page). Similar principles that apply to general multidisciplinary project management apply in the context of Government. However, it is worthy to note this service (Government policy and strategy) separately, due to the marked value that interdisciplinary-specialist perspective and expertise can have in this context. Nobody has a greater responsibility to implement holistically effective and efficient strategies in a variety of multidisciplinary contexts than does Government. The involvement of Multiplin in strategic advice (especially integrating relevant aspects of psychology, law/ethics and management), and review of key documentation as well as proposed legislation, will in many cases be invaluable. Should you have any enquiries regarding the appropriateness of involving Multiplin in any particular public-sector project, please contact us.

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