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The HMM Essentials series of DVDs/MP4s offers a highly effective and efficient way to broaden and deepen your perspective on any of a variety of integrative areas to enrich yourself and/or your career.

Essential Perspective on Project Management (2-DVD Set) (3rd Edition, 2013)
This DVD set provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles of project management. It not only introduces the principles, tools and techniques of pure project management, but also gives perspective on general principles of management that can be applied to most professions. It is designed to cater both to professional project managers and to other professionals who wish to master the basic essentials of management for the purpose of applying these in their particular work contexts.

The DVD set is available in MP4 format (soon also for download from the forthcoming new Multiplin website). An online MP4 version forms part of the materials for the multimedia distance learning (MDL) Short Course in Project Management through Cranefield College. The course is available to any person in any country. MDL courses can be started at any time. For more information on international MDL courses, please visit Cranefield College.

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