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You need multidisciplinary perspective to see all the interconnections involved, and an integrative orientation to achieve the right results.    

Holistic Multidisciplinary Management
No discipline can function properly in isolation. Multiplin recognises this fact and has identified a number of key disciplines that especially frequently interact with others (law, management/commerce, psychology, environmental science, and medicine). Due to the intensive level of specialisation that occurs in today's rapidly developing professional world, those who specialise within a discipline are compelled to keep abreast of developments within that specialised area, often leaving little time for also maintaining cutting-edge perspective on the impact of developments in other disciplines on their particular speciality. It is here that Multiplin can provide a vital service in facilitating integration and collaboration amongst disciplines.

Multiplin offers cutting-edge advice in the context of various multidisciplinary interactions, especially those involving law, psychology, management/ commerce, human health and the environment. Although some ventures will inherently require more multidisciplinary integration than others, it is precisely those cases where a matter might seem to require the special attention of only one particular discipline, that mistakes can all too easily be made. Even a large group of intradisciplinary specialists might still have limited general perspective, and may very well miss something quite crucial without an interdisciplinary specialist on board. Multiplin, through its team of interdisciplinary specialists, is able to ensure that the strategy involved is really holistic, incorporating the required multidisciplinary perspective. HMM ensures that all the essential dots are indeed connected (see our home page for our connected integrative areas of focus).

Apart from the potential impact of a variety of other disciplines, chances are that, whatever your profession, your activities involve other people (thus psychology and health), are governed or influenced by the law, involve money (thus commerce), require the coordination of a number of tasks within the framework of sound strategy (thus management), and have an impact, directly or indirectly, on the environment. We maintain that having sound perspective on the aspects of those disciplines that may be involved in a venture, can make a tremendous difference to its holistic success. Through sound HMM, the elements of potentially diverse disciplines that intersect an endeavour will inevitably be considered in ensuring that the best results (effectiveness) are achieved in the best manner (efficiency).

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