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What is an interdisciplinary specialist? Someone who has training and/or experience in multiple disciplines, and perspective on the principles of management, so as to be able to facilitate collaboration between various intradisciplinary specialists from different disciplines (collaborative HMM) and also the integration between disciplines (integrative HMM).

Interdisciplinary specialists
What is an interdisciplinary specialist? He or she is someone who has training and/or experience in multiple disciplines, and perspective on the principles of management, so as to be able to facilitate collaboration between intradisciplinary specialists (ie specialised within one particular discipline) from various disciplines (collaborative HMM), and also the integration between disciplines (integrative HMM). He or she specialises in integrating the required aspects of various disciplines in any situation that demands this.

The interdisciplinary specialist combines general perspective on the disciplines involved with selective specialisation in areas where those disciplines most frequently interact. In line with the mission of Multiplin, interdisciplinary specialists promote integrative development across disciplines, including the development of a "common language" among various intradisciplinary specialists. By "specialising" in maintaining general broad perspective and an innovative orientation in any venture, interdisciplinary specialists are especially adept at strategy development and adaptation. Multiplin gives real effect to the cause that sound strategy should underlie all endeavours.

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